military advantage 意味

  • 軍事的利点{ぐんじてき りてん}


  1. using iron swords was the source of military advantage .
  2. when tadayoshi , supported by the southern court , gained a military advantage , yoriharu sent his army to his territory , awa province , to oppose tadayoshi , and tried to place local political powers under his control by various means , such as appointing the atagi clan , which had a powerful navy in kii province , as a jito (steward ); however , he encountered opposition from families in the ogasawara clan , and the conflict with the ogasawara clan , which supported the southern court , continued until the generation of his son yoriyuki .


        advantage:     advantage n. 有利; 利益, 便益. 【動詞+】 Would joining the association bring any advantages? その協会に入ることでなにか利点がありますか The new design also carries the advantage that the product will be cheaper to pro
        advantage in:    《テニス》アドバンテージ?イン、デュース後にサーバーが得た1点◆【略】ad in
        advantage to:    ~の利点{りてん} I can see many advantages to advertising on TV. テレビでコマーシャルする利点はたくさんあります。
        of advantage:    《be ~》役に立つ、有利{ゆうり}な
        to advantage:    有利{ゆうり}に、都合良く、良い印象{いんしょう}を与えるように、長所{ちょうしょ}を引き立たせて
        to the advantage of:    ~に都合良く、~に有利{ゆうり}に The public opinion is not to the advantage of any political party. 世論はどの政党にとっても、都合の良いものではなかった。
        with advantage:    有利{ゆうり}に
        in the military:    in the military 在役 ざいえき
        military:     military n. 軍隊, 軍部. 【動詞+】 build up the military 軍隊を増強する The ruling party called in the military. 与党は軍隊の助けをもとめた The military were called out to put down the riot. その暴動を静めるために軍隊が出
        absolute advantage:    絶対優位{ぜったい ゆうい}
        actual advantage:    実益{じつえき}
        advantage and disadvantage:    advantage and disadvantage 損益 そんえき 損得 そんとく
        advantage factor:    advantage factor 有利係数[その他]〈99Z4001:原子力用語〉
        advantage in manpower:    人の利
        advantage motive:    優位動機{ゆうい どうき}


  1. "military action to oust" 意味
  2. "military action will not only fail to stop terrorism but will also incite more" 意味
  3. "military activities" 意味
  4. "military administration" 意味
  5. "military advance" 意味
  6. "military adventure" 意味
  7. "military adventurism" 意味
  8. "military advice" 意味
  9. "military adviser" 意味
  10. "military administration" 意味
  11. "military advance" 意味
  12. "military adventure" 意味
  13. "military adventurism" 意味

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